PvP Roles, Builds & Skill trees Season 5

In the expansive world of New World, a thriving community of dedicated PvP players engages in a variety of intense battles, ranging from duels and 3v3s to outpost rush, wars, and open-world skirmishes. The key to success lies in carefully crafted character builds designed to maximize effectiveness in specific roles and scenarios. Let's delve into the distinctive classes that players adopt in this dynamic environment:


  • Disruption

Disruptors specialize in diving into the midst of the enemy, targeting vulnerable characters like healers and lightweight ranged mages. Clad in heavy armor, they are formidable and challenging to eliminate, making them a constant annoyance on the battlefield.


  • Support

Healers play a crucial role in all game modes, keeping their allies alive and significantly impacting the outcome of battles. Mastering the intricacies of mechanics and timings is essential for healers, as the difference between a skilled healer and an average one is substantial.


  • Defense

Tanks are the frontline defenders, absorbing damage and ensuring the survival of their allies with the aid of fortify abilities. A skilled tank, when paired with a competent healer, can withstand the onslaught of numerous opponents, showcasing mastery of defensive mechanics.


  • Frontline Offense

Bruisers serve as the vanguard on the battlefield, creating chaos, dismantling groups of enemies, and thriving in the thick of the action. If your playstyle involves aggressively advancing and engaging enemies head-on, the bruiser class might be your perfect fit.


  • Battlefield Control

Mages are masters of manipulating the battlefield, wielding fire, ice, void, or even more modern weaponry like the blunderbuss. Their focus is on dealing substantial damage to multiple targets while influencing the flow of battle with their diverse array of magical abilities.

Ranged Players

  • Burst Damage

Ranged players specialize in dealing burst damage to vulnerable targets from a distance. Dexterity-based builds, such as bow and musket, are their weapons of choice, enabling them to unleash devastating attacks and maintain a strategic advantage from afar.

In the competitive landscape of New World, the success of a team often hinges on the synergy between these diverse classes. Each class demands a unique set of skills and strategies, encouraging players to explore various playstyles and find the one that resonates with their preferred approach to combat. Whether you thrive on disrupting enemy formations, providing crucial support, absorbing damage, leading the charge, controlling the battlefield, or dealing damage from a distance, New World offers a class tailored to your preferred role in the ever-evolving conflicts of its immersive universe.