Attributes & Armor Weight

When it comes to determining the appropriate amount of Constitution (Con) for your dps build, it's crucial to align your choices with your overarching goals. Consider the following factors to make informed decisions because at the end of the day you will do no damage if you’re on the floor.

PUG Runs for Smooth Gameplay: If your primary objective is to have successful PUG (Pick-Up Group) runs with minimal hassle, it's worth seriously contemplating a Con range of 50 to 100 or even transitioning to medium armor. Extensive calculations reveal that medium armor only incurs a marginal 3% reduction in damage compared to light armor. In practical terms, opting for medium armor with a Con range of 5 to 50 can enhance your survivability without significantly sacrificing damage output. Striking a balance that ensures you reach key breakpoints for your build's efficiency is paramount.

Transitioning to Speed Runs: When your goals shift towards speed runs, the emphasis slowly shifts to reducing Constitution to the lowest possible while maintaining survivability. It's crucial to understand that starting with 5 Con in light armor isn't the initial target; rather, it's the ultimate goal for high-level speed runs. Achieving this benchmark requires meticulous gearing, practice, and teamwork.

In summary, your choice of Constitution should reflect the specific objectives of your dps build. For smoother, more versatile gameplay, a range of 50 to 100 Con in medium armor can be an effective choice. As you transition into the realm of speed runs, gradually reducing Con becomes vital, but always prioritize maintaining enough survivability to contribute meaningfully to your team's success.

Your role as a DPS

As a DPS player, you shoulder several pivotal responsibilities that significantly impact the success of your team. To excel in this role, it's imperative to fully grasp and execute the specific duties associated with DPS gameplay, which are detailed below.

One of the central functions of DPS players lies in the art of mob consolidation. While the blame for insufficient mob grouping is often attributed to the tank, DPS members must actively prioritize the task of tightly gathering hostile mobs. This proactive approach not only ensures that the tank can effectively manage aggro through crowd control (CC) techniques but also contributes to a smoother combat experience for the entire team.

Vigilance is key; all team members should remain watchful for straggling mobs, especially those pesky crawlers that tend to lag behind the main group. It squarely falls upon the DPS players to promptly address these outliers. They can employ a range of abilities, such as sweeps, gravity wells (grav wells), reaps, or even ice walls when mobs approach from directions opposite to the tank. This preemptive action is vital to prevent these stragglers from singling out and posing a threat to your team's healer. When the tank is compelled to reposition or give chase to these outliers, it disrupts mob grouping, leading to chaotic skirmishes and, potentially, casualties across the entire team.