
The Mystic Class in New World Aeternum

The Mystic is a unique hybrid class, blending healing with high damage output through the synergy of the Life Staff and Void Gauntlet. This class allows players to support their group while also contributing substantial damage, making it ideal for those who want to balance their role between a healer and a DPS. The combination of the Life Staff’s potent heals and the Void Gauntlet’s offensive capabilities ensures the Mystic is a force to be reckoned with in both PvE and PvP content. Let’s break down how the Mystic excels in early gameplay and how it transitions into a powerful late-game build.

Early Game: Healing & Damage Hand-in-Hand

The Mystic stands out early in the game by offering a seamless blend of healing and damage. With the Life Staff, you provide critical support to yourself and your group, keeping everyone alive during tough fights. Sacred Ground and Beacon are core healing abilities that create sustained healing areas, allowing you to control where your team regenerates health.

At the same time, the Void Gauntlet offers surprising offensive capabilities. Abilities like Oblivion and Void Blade allow you to switch between healing and dealing damage, maintaining your role as both a healer and a fighter. This duality makes the Mystic versatile and highly effective in both solo and group content.

Why the Mystic is Ideal for New Players:

  • Self-Sustain & Group Support: The Life Staff’s healing abilities, like Sacred Ground and Beacon, provide exceptional healing over time, keeping both you and your group alive in difficult situations.

  • High Damage Potential: The Void Gauntlet’s Void Blade and Oblivion allow you to output consistent damage, even as a healer. This makes the Mystic capable of dealing with enemies while still fulfilling the healer role.

  • Easy Transition Between Roles: With the Mystic, you can easily swap between healing and damage, making it great for new players who want to explore multiple playstyles without having to commit to one specific role.

Mid-Game and Pivoting to Meta Builds

As the game progresses, the challenges you face become more intense, requiring both stronger healing and higher damage output. The Mystic excels at this point by utilizing the synergy between the Life Staff and Void Gauntlet. You can maintain powerful healing abilities while maximizing your DPS through the Void Gauntlet.

By focusing on cooldown reduction gear and maximizing Sacred Ground uptime, you’ll be able to keep your team healed while rotating through high-damage Void Gauntlet abilities like Void Blade and Oblivion. As group content becomes more demanding, this combination allows the Mystic to not only provide sustained healing but also contribute significant damage and debuffs to help bring down tougher enemies.

Why Pivot into Void Gauntlet & Life Staff Late Game:

  • Damage & Support Synergy: The Void Gauntlet’s Oblivion offers a damage boost to your group while debuffing enemies, allowing you to maximize damage and healing output in late-game PvE and PvP.

  • Sustained Healing & Lifesteal: The Void Gauntlet’s Essence Rupture and the Life Staff’s healing abilities create a balance of both active healing and lifesteal, letting you maintain health without constantly swapping back to the Life Staff.

  • Versatile Crowd Control: Abilities like Petrifying Scream allow you to fortify yourself and apply disease to enemies, making you effective in both defense and offense during intense battles.

Late-Game Healing and DPS Rotation

For those new to combining healing with DPS, the optimal playstyle is to rotate between your healing abilities and the Void Gauntlet's offensive skills. Here’s a simple strategy:

  • Start with Healing: Place Sacred Ground and Beacon to ensure your team has constant healing over time.

  • Switch to Damage: Swap to the Void Gauntlet, activate Void Blade, and attack twice to build Void energy. Follow up with Oblivion to boost your team’s damage and weaken enemies.

  • Cycle Back: After using your damaging abilities twice, place your second Oblivion, then switch back to the Life Staff to continue healing or shielding.

This cycle ensures you maintain a strong healing presence while contributing meaningful damage to your group, making you an indispensable part of any team.


The Mystic class in New World offers an incredibly versatile playstyle, allowing players to heal their group while still dealing high damage with the Void Gauntlet. Its synergy between the Life Staff’s support and the Void Gauntlet’s offense creates a unique blend of healing, DPS, and crowd control.

In the early game, the Mystic provides an easy-to-learn, flexible playstyle that works well for both solo and group content. As you progress into the late game, transitioning into a full healer-DPS hybrid ensures that you’ll remain relevant in any high-level content, whether it’s Expeditions, PvP, or endgame dungeons. The Mystic’s ability to control the battlefield while keeping the team alive makes it a powerful and essential class in Aeternum’s toughest encounters.

Skill Trees


Open with sacred ground > beacon > orb with light attacks between, if running in a group with a tank wait till they have taunted the mobs before healing or you will end up pulling all of the agro.


Beacon is a medium level heal over time that can attatch to an enemy or friendly which will also give a nice haste boost

Sacred Ground

Sacred ground is the main healing ability in your arsenal giving large amounts of healing back each tick and increasing other forms of healing for those standing within its area of effect

Orb of Protection

A great ability giving a small heal over time and a fortify giving an armor bonus, the cooldown on this ability is quite low so don’t be afraid to give one to the team then one to yourself if needed

Void Blade

Blade is going to be your main damage source giving you a large amount of sustain, applying rend and fortify , be careful not to put the blade away before you are ready or you will have to wait for its cooldown to pull it out again.

Void Gauntlet


Summon a void circle under your feet dealing aoe damage , weakening enemies, empowering allies and restoring their stamina.


Scream in a cone in front of you disabling and rooting enemies while fortifying yourself, this is a very strong cc ability which is on a very low cooldown.

Attribute Points

For the Mystic build (Life Staff and Void Gauntlet), you’ll also want to consider investing in Constitution for survivability, especially in higher-level content like Expeditions, PvP, and Wars. The balance between Focus, Intelligence, and Constitution depends on your role (healer vs. damage) and the level of challenge you're facing.

Constitution Breakdown for Mystic:

  • 100 Constitution is the standard threshold for most builds, offering solid survivability without sacrificing too much damage or healing output.

    • Perk at 100 Con: 10% increased max health, which is great for sustaining through tougher fights in both PvE and PvP.

    • This is usually enough for PvE leveling and most general content, where healing and damage output take priority.

  • 150 Constitution provides a noticeable boost to your tankiness without majorly compromising your primary healing or damage stats.

    • Perk at 150 Con: +10% physical armor, which helps mitigate damage from physical attacks in PvP or high-end Expeditions.

    • This is particularly useful for PvP scenarios like Wars or Outpost Rush, where the added armor makes a big difference in survivability.

  • 200 Constitution is for more specialized PvP or tankier roles in Expeditions or Wars where you need to stay alive for long durations while maintaining healing output.

    • Perk at 200 Con: 20% increased consumable healing, which pairs well with healing potions and synergizes with your Void Gauntlet's self-healing mechanics.

  • 300 Constitution is rare for this build since you’ll be sacrificing a lot of your healing and damage potential. This should only be considered if you need to fulfill a specific tanky healer role or if the content you’re facing is overwhelmingly damage-heavy (like elite PvE content or massive Wars).

Example Attribute Spreads for Mystic:

Balanced Healer-DPS Mystic (Recommended for General PvE and PvP):

  • Focus: 300

  • Intelligence: 200

  • Constitution: 100

    • This build gives you a solid mix of healing, damage, and survivability. The 100 Constitution ensures you're not too fragile, while the 300 Focus and 200 Intelligence give you excellent healing and solid Void Gauntlet damage.

Tankier Healer Mystic (PvP, Wars, High-Level Expeditions):

  • Focus: 300

  • Intelligence: 150

  • Constitution: 150

    • This build is for when you need more survivability, especially in PvP or tough PvE content. The 150 Constitution provides an excellent health pool and armor bonus without sacrificing too much damage or healing.

Damage-Oriented Mystic (More Focus on Void Gauntlet DPS in PvE/PvP):

  • Focus: 300

  • Intelligence: 250

  • Constitution: 50

    • If you’re leaning into more Void Gauntlet damage while still providing some healing, this build is optimal. 50 Constitution ensures survivability without overinvesting in tankiness, letting you focus on maximizing damage.

In the early game you wont be able to get the best gear possible but focus the main damage perks

Important Weapon Perks

  • Blessed (mandatory on life staff)

  • Enchanted

  • Voracious Blade

  • Fortifying Sacred Ground

  • Refreshing Move ( bis on life staff)

  • Keen

    Examples below


Refer to the Armor pages for armor recommendations, this class plays best with a LIGHT armor weight but medium also is viable for more survivability.

Recommended Armor Perks In order of importance

  • Enchanted Ward

  • 4x Refreshing

  • Health

  • Sacred on ring

  • Keen Beacon

  • Mending Protection

  • Nullifying Oblivion

    Nimble Coat or Attuned Leather Pants are very strong for this build

    Armor Artifacts
