
The Hammer is the tanks bread and butter allowing huge crowd control abilities, buffs and debuffs.


300 Con allows us to have Grit on Heavy Attacks which is very important While giving 300-350 STR for good damage output.

Easy Content like m1s and m2s you can easily drop con as you feel comfortable with. with higher level content you can adjust con as your team requires but do remember the tank should be the last player to min max.

Armor & Jewelry Perks

Perks in order of Importance, don’t stress about gearscore as you’re leveling , low gearscore with good perks beats high gearscore with bad perks.

Heavy Armor is always best for learning, for easy content like m1 and m2 you can go light while learning. Light tanking is fun and good for high mobility but does have its limitations.

Click the links below to see more specific armor and jewelry recommendations.


  • Enchanted Ward

  • Refreshing

  • 5x Slash Conditioning

  • Sundering Shockwave

  • Health


  • Protection

  • Health

  • Empowered/ Divine/ Refreshing


  • Hearty

  • Leeching

  • Keen Awareness


  • Refreshing

  • Regenerating

  • Despised


  • Open with Shockwave To Taunt and cc mobs

  • Armor Breaker to rend enemies

  • Clearout To rend and cc enemies

  • This skill tree is heavy attack based to allow grit at lower con levels and because AI has stagger protection now not allowing the same CC chain we used to be able to. Aim for 1-2 Heavies between attacks.


There are many named hammers which are suitable but the main perk you are looking for is sundering clearout , refreshing move then a damage con like trenchant strikes, recovery, rend, enchanted or something like plagues strikes.

Offhand Options

All Tank Builds are Viable with each other as an offhand, hammer is standard for mobs though.

SnS Flail Rapier Great Sword Hatchet