The Soldier archetype in New World Aeternum embodies the spirit of the frontline warrior, adept at both defending allies and delivering powerful strikes against foes. Equipped with a sword and shield for balanced defense and offense, and a hatchet for versatility, the Soldier is an ideal choice for those seeking to master the art of war. In the late game, Soldiers can pivot into either a tanking role with sword and shield paired with a hammer or a DPS-focused playstyle using the hatchet alongside a greataxe or hammer.

Early Game: The Stalwart Defender

In the early stages of your journey, the Soldier archetype excels at controlling the battlefield with a combination of durability and damage. The sword and shield setup allows for effective blocking and counterattacks, while the hatchet provides quick, decisive strikes. Skills like Shield Bash and Defiant Stance grant significant crowd control and damage mitigation, making you an asset during early skirmishes and PvE content.

Why the Soldier is Perfect for New Players:

  • Balance of Offense and Defense: With a sword and shield, you can absorb damage while dealing consistent blows to enemies. The hatchet’s ability to execute foes at low health further enhances your survivability.

  • Crowd Control: Skills such as Shield Bash not only deal damage but also stun enemies, allowing you to control the flow of battle and protect your allies.

  • Sustainability: The hatchet’s ** Berserk** ability enables healing during fights, ensuring you can stay in the fray longer.

Mid-Game: Flexibility and Adaptation

As you progress into mid-game content, the Soldier remains effective, but you may find the need to adapt your build for different scenarios. In PvE, while the sword and shield continue to provide strong defense, the option to transition to a more DPS-oriented setup with the hatchet and greataxe or hammer becomes appealing.

Why Pivot to Greataxe or Hammer:

  • High Utility Value: The greataxe offers grouping abilities like Maelstrom, while the hammer provides crowd control through abilities like Wrecking Ball.

  • Versatility: These weapons allow you to adapt to group dynamics, whether you need to tank damage or focus on eliminating high-priority targets.

  • Meta Adaptability: In late-game PvE and PvP, the increased crowd control from the greataxe or hammer can be crucial in high-stakes encounters.

Late-Game: The Dual Path of Power

In the late game, the Soldier archetype truly shines with its duality. Players can choose to embrace the tanking role, fully utilizing the sword and shield combined with a hammer for maximum control and durability, or focus on a more aggressive playstyle with the hatchet and greataxe.

Tanking Build: Sword and Shield + Hammer

  • Unmatched Defense: Skills like Defiant Stance and Shield Rush allow you to absorb significant damage while mitigating incoming attacks for your team.

  • Crowd Control Mastery: The hammer’s abilities like Shockwave provide excellent area control, ensuring you can protect objectives and lock down key targets.

DPS Build: Hatchet + Greataxe or Hammer

  • High Burst Damage: The hatchet’s mobility and dps potential allow for quick takedowns, while the greataxe or hammer provides heavy hitting and AoE Crows Control to decimate groups of enemies.

  • Increased Mobility: The hatchet’s Berserk allows you to reposition quickly, making you harder to pin down in combat.


The Soldier archetype in New World Aeternum provides a rich and rewarding experience for players who relish being at the forefront of battle. With the sword and shield, you embody the stalwart defender, able to absorb and redirect damage, while the hatchet offers quick, decisive strikes against your enemies.

As you progress through the game, your ability to adapt—whether transitioning to a tanking role with a hammer or unleashing devastation with a greataxe—ensures that you remain a valuable asset in both PvE and PvP encounters. Embrace the versatility of the Soldier, and you will carve your name into the annals of Aeternum’s storied battles.

Skill Trees

Sword & Shield

There are many different playstyles when it comes to the sword and shield depending on your goals, if you want more CC you can run more of the right hand side , this below is a more dps style skill tree while using defenders resolve for defence.

Explosive Arrow

An upward slice dealing more damage to enemies who are affected by crowd control and reducing you other abilities cooldowns.

Defender's Resolve

Defender's Resolve enhances your resilience by temporarily increasing your damage absorption, allowing you to stand firm against incoming attacks while empowering your counterattacks, making you a stalwart guardian on the battlefield.

Whirling Blade

Unleashes a swift spinning attack that damages all nearby enemies, providing both crowd control and offensive capabilities, making it ideal for thinning out groups and maintaining pressure on your foes.


Infected Throw

Infected Throw hurls your hatchet at an enemy, inflicting both damage and a damaging debuff that reduces their healing received, making it an effective tool for weakening targets and shifting the tide of battle.

Hatchet has various playstyles but this skill tree is a hack and slash style, this tree gives you a ranged option with the throwing hatchet, use infected throw to weaken and disease the mobs, use berserk to increase damage output and move speed and torrent for good pack damage.

Raging Torrent

Raging Torrent unleashes a rapid series of strikes that deal damage to multiple enemies, providing high burst potential and allowing you to quickly overwhelm your opponents in close quarters.


Berserk activates a furious state that enhances your damage and grants healing over time, allowing you to sustain yourself in battle while delivering relentless attacks against your foes.

Attribute Points

The Soldier archetype blends the sturdy defense of the sword and shield with the aggressive versatility of the hatchet, making you a formidable presence on the battlefield. This build excels in both PvE and PvP, allowing for effective crowd control and sustained damage.

Early Game (Level 1-20)

Strength (Str): 100-150

Dexterity (DEX) :25-50
Constitution (Con): 50-100
In the early game, focus on boosting your Strength for higher damage output while investing some points in Constitution for added durability. A balanced approach, such as a 60/20/20 split between Strength , Dex & Con con to match the survivability you require provides .

Mid Game (Level 30-50)

Strength (Str): 250-300

Dexterity (DEX) :25-50
Constitution (Con): 50-150
As you progress, ramp up your Strength significantly to maximize your damage potential. Maintaining a solid base of Constitution is crucial for surviving tougher enemies. Aim for around 250-300 Strength and 50-150 Constitution for effective combat performance.

Late Game (Level 60-65)

For optimal performance in end-game content, adjust your attributes based on your desired playstyle:

Hatchet DPS (Light Armor)
Strength (Str): 350
Dexterity (Dex): 200
Constitution (Con): 50
This setup maximizes your damage output while maintaining agility. With high Dexterity, you enhance your critical hit potential, making your hatchet strikes devastating in PvP and PvE encounters.

Tank (Heavy Armor)
Strength (Str): 300
Constitution (Con): 300
This distribution allows you to be an effective frontline tank, absorbing damage while still delivering solid hits. The balance of Strength and Constitution ensures you can endure prolonged engagements while protecting your team.


In the early game you wont be able to get the best gear possible but focus the main damage perks, for shield reccomendation’s check out shields Here

Important Weapon Perks

  • Vicious

  • Enchanted

  • Refreshing Move

  • Refreshing Torrent

    Examples below


Refer to the Armor pages for armor recommendations, this class plays best with a LIGHT armor weight but medium also is viable for more survivability.

Recommended Armor Perks In order of importance

  • Enchanted Ward

  • 4x Refreshing

  • Health

  • Refreshing Torrent